Strength Training after Fifty

Strength Training after Fifty

Getting stronger is essential for healthy ageing Introduction After the age of fifty, both men and women start to undergo significant physical and hormonal changes. Women start to experience the menopause, whereby estrogen levels decline. This can be accompanied by...
Portion Size

Portion Size

Portion Size, Genes, and Traditional Wisdom About 15,000 years ago humans started to cultivate rice in China. Rice cultivation then spread throughout much of Asia, although there remained pockets, usually in mountainous areas, where rice consumption was limited. Once...
Diabetes in the Middle East

Diabetes in the Middle East

Using the Qiyas Method to prevent diabetes and obesity in the Middle East One of the things we like to do at Qiyas is to start with a problem, a conundrum, or a complication that needs solving. One such problem is why do some people put on weight when they eat rice...
Programming Your Training Program

Programming Your Training Program

Personalize Your Training Program   When it comes to training programs, we need to understand that ‘one size does not fit all!’ Sound cliché? Sure it does.   Take, for example, a young 20-year-old athlete who might train at an intensity that could be very unhealthy...
A Day in the Qiyas Gym

A Day in the Qiyas Gym

How regular people went from doing a Turkish Getup with a 6 kg to a 40 kg, and some to the “Beast” (48 kg) At the Qiyas gym we see people from all walks of life. We have schoolteachers, computer geeks, students, mothers, chefs, doctors, academics, etc....