How to Diagnose Gluten Sensitivity at Home

How to Diagnose Gluten Sensitivity at Home

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that is a reaction to gluten. The condition is now well known, yet it only affects one percent of any given population. In recent years, gluten sensitivity has become more well known, with many people noticing that they seem to...
The Science of Qigong

The Science of Qigong

Qigong (also spelled chi kung & chi gung) is an ancient Chinese exercise practice. It is an internal exercise that focusses upon gentle movements or breathing to generate, restore, and move qi in the body. Qi is vital energy. It is the primal energy that we...
Aging the Brain, Kidneys, and Heart

Aging the Brain, Kidneys, and Heart

How advanced glycation end products (AGEs) lead to disease and premature aging Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are formed from food and the way food is cooked. They occur when a sugar bonds to a protein or fat. In processed junk food this occurs when the...
The Fat Gene

The Fat Gene

Why women put on weight after their teenage years There is a gene in everyone’s body called the FTO gene. And this gene influences whether you put on weight, find it hard to resist food, and continue to eat, even when you feel full. It also increases your risk for...